We are Living in the Age of the Pitches

Two months into full-time freelance writing with Onword Content, and let me tell you: it’s a lot of applications!

I don’t mean job applications; I mean crisp, multi-paragraph pitches to everything from content strategy teams to publications. These pitches are where I get to craft every detail to reach the people I want to work for.

The first few months of any business, I believe, are awash with this sort of work: building a client base, after all, is all about getting your name and your expertise out there!

I’m really enjoying the fun of opening my inbox every day; certainly, the people I pitch are just as busy as anyone else, so I may only get one response for every 10 outreach emails, but when I do… you better believe I brew a new pot of coffee to celebrate.

Where are you in your business life cycle these days? Wherever you are, I hope you are finding the moments of joy, like getting a response to a pitch, like I am.